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Breastfeeding Support


I am a Certified Lactation Counselor trained by the Healthy Children's Center for Breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding comes easy to some, but for others it poses challenges. Helping new parents find solutions for: latch difficulty, nipple pain, milk supply issues, slow weight gain, over supply, making a plan to pump for returning to work, tongue tie, etc. can ease the transition to parenthood and ensure that your new baby thrives.


House calls are available within 45 miles of Canterbury, CT.  Other options include: phone or Skype consultations or assistance in finding a local CLC, IBCLC, La Leche League or other breastfeeding support group.

FREE! Breastfeeding Support Groups in Eastern CT
*First and third Tuesdays at Canterbury Public Library 10:30am
*Third Friday of the month at Strong Body, Strong Mind Yoga Studio in Putnam 6pm
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